Sunday, February 1, 2015

| S L O U C H Y |

These clothes match my mood perfectly today-no structure and kind of all over the place! It was one of those days that involved a little running around followed by quite a lot of lounging around. 

After awhile I was able to swap out these wedges for my white leather chucks- the perfect flat to complete this laid back outfit. In fact this entire outfit went through several stages today as you can see in the photos. I started off without a jacket, eventually went to wearing the jacket when it got a bit more breezy, and then ended in keeping the jacket but swapping the shoes out for a bit more comfort. 

You may have started to notice but I am partial to wearing flats most days but am really trying to branch out a bit more this year and wear heels (can't hurt considering I am 5'2"). These wedges are the perfect way to ease me into it, because although they are über tall, they are not stilettos- which helps- trust me!



Jacket- One Teaspoon
Shirt- MYNE (on sale now!) 
Shorts- Topshop 


  1. i love how effortlessly chic this look is! also, the name of your blog is pure genius. thanks for reaching out on IFB. xxxx

    - Cath

  2. Yes yes yes! Love everything about this!!!

    - Ksenia xx

  3. Oh my how I love those wedges! The entire outfit is just awesome.
