Wednesday, January 20, 2016

8 Vital Questions to Ask Yourself When Cleaning Out Your Closet

2016 is in full swing and that means many of us are starting to wane from our resolutions. One thing I really wanted to do this year (and many times before!) is to clean out my closet - Yikes. Even the thought of that gives me anxiety. I have a hard time letting go of things. I tend to have STRONG emotional connections to clothes, telling myself things such as "oh, I bought that the time we vacationed to here or there", or "Oh, my ex-boyfriends great Grandmother bought me that" etc., etc.

Throughout the year I  really do try to keep my closet in check and get rid of things that I am not wearing or that I don't plan to wear in the upcoming 6 months or so. However, I somehow always end up with a crowded overstuffed closet full of things that make me think "Maybe I'll wear that...someday", with someday being way far off in the future or never.

Now, don't get me wrong, it is great to keep items that you will really be able to use again someday. Take the sweater in the below photo for example. Many of you might remember this sweater from about 4 or 5 years ago from American Apparel. Well, I held onto it because I thought - it seems like it is good quality, makes a statement, classic, and I just really overall love it. I probably haven't worn it in about 3 years but I was able to make it new again by pairing it with more modern items from my closet.

Click "read more" for a list of 8 vital questions to ask yourself when cleaning out your closet....

1. Is it good quality? 

I like to ask myself this question, because if something is not good quality and you really haven't been wearing it much then in 3-5 years down the road it definitely isn't going to be something you want taking up space in your closet. Chances are the quality is just going to deteriorate from this point forward so why keep something that is just going to take up space and be something you really won't want to wear in the future.

2. Does it have sentimental value?

This is a hard one for me. I have quite a few pieces of clothing, especially scarves (the chunky ones that take up  a lot of space!), that I bought on a special trip or were given to me as a gift. It is hard for me to part with these items because even though they might not be great quality anymore or may not be something I would necessarily want to wear I can still look at them and reminisce on a certain time, place, or person. If you aren't sentimental like me and have items like this, then I say chuck 'em. However, if you are a little sappy at times, it is nice to save things like this.

2. Does the item fit?

This is a great question to ask yourself while cleaning out your closet because if something doesn't fit anymore, or the fit does not really go with how you represent your personal style anymore than get rid of it. For instance, I was recently cleaning out one of my drawers and came across a slew of tight little mini skirts. While these still technically "fit" me, it isn't something I would necessarily wear anymore because my personal style has changed a bit over the years and tight mini skirts don't always fit the look I am going for. Now, I do have some that might be great quality and are classics that I'll keep. But those flimsy stretchy little numbers had to go.

4. Is it a fashion fad or a fashion classic?

They say everything comes back around in fashion, and while that is sometimes true you have to have a discerning eye when wondering if your jelly shoes or leg warmers are going to be coming back anytime soon. If you absolutely LOVE it but know you will not be wearing it for the next decade or so, pack it up and put it in storage. 

On the other hand, if you have a classic black blazer in your close that you just haven't worn in awhile because you haven't had the need, I say keep it. You want to keep things that are classics that you will eventually need. Other things that would qualify here would be your good quality white t-shirts (or any color really), neutral or black colored pumps, & jackets or overcoats that can be paired with anything.

5. Can you find a way to style the item right now?

If you are really on the fence about something, let's say a sheer purple & gray kimono from about 5 years ago for example (I really have this in my closet and need to let go!), ask yourself how you would style it if you had to wear it today? If you can't think of a way to style the item of clothing in an outfit you would wear out of the house- today, then I think it is time to let go. For me, I can actually think of a way to style my sheer purple & gray kimono but it isn't something I would feel comfortable or confident in walking out of the house today so it has got to go.

6. Do you feel confident when wearing this item?

This might be one of the first questions you want to ask yourself- if you aren't feeling confident, beautiful, sexy, etc. in the item of clothing in question, then you should probably let it go. There is a reason you aren't feeling fully comfortable in it and chances are that won't change in the next 6 months to a year. It may be because the fit is all wrong, the color doesn't mesh well with your skin tone, or it is just not a complimentary piece of clothing for you any more. Regardless of the reason, it is time to let go if you aren't feeling confident in it.

7. Can you find a way to repurpose the item?

Take those old denim jeans hanging out in the back drawer- we could all use an extra pair of denim cut offs for summer. Or, you could cut them hem and play around with lengths. I think items like this can be fun to experiment with. If you have it in you- go for it. Grab the scissors & sewing machine and have fun making something old new again. For example, I recently took an old maxi skirt I was never going to wear again and cropped into a chic midi that would show off some cute shoes.

8. Is the item damaged beyond repair?

And lastly, you need to ask yourself and really comes to term with the fact if the item is damaged. I really need to take my own advice on this as I have some things in my closet that I just love but can't wear due to it being stained or having something wrong with it that I haven't been able to fix on my own. You could always try taking it to a dry cleaner or a tailer to help out but if that doesn't work it is best to part ways as it is just taking up space in your closet.

While you are at it, shop a few items below that I have found to be life savers in organizing my closet!


  1. Haha, I am with you on that AA sweater! I have it in deep purple and it's just sitting in my closet...I think it's definitely still wearable but it's so scratchy. I'm also trying to get rid of a lot of the filler items in my closet, pieces that are fast fashion or cheaper. I want 2016 to be the year that I start stepping up my clothing game and going for better and more well made items. I kind of want my whole closet to be Acne haha, if I could afford it.


    COFFEESLAG What I Keep In My Car

  2. Your guide is just what I need! My closet is in need of decluttering and I've been procrastinating! Loads to chuck away/donate. Thank you for making it easier for me :D xx

    Shanaz | Fashionista NOW

  3. Love your outfit! :)

    Isobel x
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