Friday, August 26, 2016

Nursery Inspiration

It's about that time! I am finally starting to pick out the pieces I want to include in the nursery - only 4 months until our little bundle of joy arrives, and I am getting more excited by the minute! I decided I wanted to do something clean, bright, and of course - white. Something where our little man can rest in peace and who am I kidding?! Somewhere I enjoy to be as well! I am really not into creating a "theme" for the nursery but if I had to choose I would say simple modern with a touch of rustic. I am planning on doing white furniture with gray bedding and pops of blue throughout. Shop my collage above or some of my other favorite nursery pieces below! 



  1. so many cute pieces. I would even want some of these for my own room lol

  2. Think I love them all but the chair stands out! Love it! Thank you for sharing!

  3. You are an inspiration for me! I love every item here!
