Friday, December 11, 2015

"In" With the Old

In an industry that is filled with fast fashion, what’s hot now, what’s not, it can be so easy to succumb to the buying pressures and always want to purchase new, new, new. When in reality many of us have a closet full of things that are just dying to be worn and feel new again.
Lately I have really been making an effort to pull older things in my closet that still have a lot of life left in them. For example, this hat. Some may not like it but I have been a sucker for it since the day I bought it- about 13 years ago

I think the key is styling the item in a new way or even pairing something old with something new to give it a fresh spin. Just something to think about when you are getting dressed this weekend…dig in to the deep dark depths of your closet and see what treasures are dying to come out!

P.S. Stop by next week for tips on cleaning out your closet- what to keep & what to rid yourselves of!

Happy Friday!

[Shop this look + similar styles below!]


  1. Loving the white classic coat!! And the bag is to die for!!

  2. Love this look and you are right you don't have to always buy new to look stylish! Gemma xx

  3. I can't believe you've had that hat for 13 years! hahaha I have some things like that, such as my leather belt i've had since 7th grade (don't even ask how it still fits me) and a few old scarves. I really love how you pair old with new! It brings life back to older pieces and reminds us how different our style can be over the years. I feel like I would wear my older items differently years and years ago and now it's a funky challenge to incorporate them into your wardrobe in a newer way. Hope you're having a great week!


  4. You got that hat 13 years ago... You had a good fashion taste back then too :) It looks so cute! You can always create a fab look with a new and old, it is all about your creativity!
