Friday, March 6, 2015

| T H A T 7 0 ' S C O L O R |

I just love finding new pieces that fit into my already existing wardrobe with ease. That is kind of how these pants are- I have already worn them a handful of times and have only had them for a couple of weeks! When I get the urge to buy something in a silhouette or color I do not regularly wear I force myself to imagine several different possible outfits I can create with it.
I find versatility to be the key when incorporating new pieces into your wardrobe. Visualizing when and where you will wear the new item can help to avoid buying amazing pieces that just sit around and collect dust only to be returned or sold on ebay a few months later.

And speaking of versatility I love how this color can be a transitional color into spring just by pairing it with lighter shades of cream, gray, etc. What color or piece do you guys own that is going to take your wardrobe into spring these next couple of months?

Top- Topshop
Pants- Zara
Shoes- Isaac Mizrahi Similar Here
Bag- Chloe
Sunglasses- Ray-Ban


  1. Personally I couldn't pull off those pants but I love this look, down to the delicate hoops you are wearing.

  2. This is super chic! Love your drew bag!
    xo, Jane

  3. Perfect outfit! Love the pants: the color, the cut... they are fabulous!

  4. I love those pants. I have a skirt in the same color - inspired! :-)

  5. I love your style and the outfit is on point.

